Thank you for Not Smoking.  Cigarette smoke is the residue of your pleasure.  It contaminates the air, pollutes my hair and clothes, not to mention my lungs.  This takes place without my consent.  I have a pleasure, also.  I like a beer now and then.  The residue of my pleasure is urine.  Would you be annoyed if I stood on a chair and pissed on your head and your clothes without your consent?  ~Sign from Ken's Magic Shop

~Jaon Morgan

The public health authorities never mention the main reason many Americans have for smoking heavily, which is that smoking is a fairly sure, fairly honorable form of suicide. 

~Kurt Vonnegut

There's a lot of people who, a cigarette is about the only vacation they have. 

 ~Trey Parker

A cigarette is a pipe with a fire at one end and a fool at the other.

~ James Harrow

I'm glad I don't have to explain to a man from Mars why each day I set fire to dozens of little pieces of paper, and put them in my mouth. 

 ~Mignon McLaughlin
The cigarette does the smoking - you're just the sucker. 

~ Paul Ordel

It’s easy to quit smoking. I’ve done it hundreds of times.
–Mark Twain

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