Smoking and Death

Deaths from Smoking: 440,000 annual deaths each year, are smoking-associated (CDC)

That's 440,000 per year, 36,666 per month, 8,461 per week, 1,205 per day, 50 per hour wow!!!

Smoking doesn't just cut a few months off the end of your life. It reduces the life of the average smoker by 14 years. (Source: excerpt from Smoking It's Never Too Late to Stop)

Death statistics for Smoking
The following are statistics from various sources about deaths and Smoking:

•Death rate is 2-3 times higher than non-smokers
•Estimated to cause 10 million deaths per year worldwide by 2020 (WHO Web Site)
•1.2 million deaths in Europe (The European Heart Network)
•45,000 African American deaths each year in America (CBCF Health Organisation, 2004)
•1.2 million deaths from smoking in Europe (The European Heart Network, 2000)
•400,000 deaths annually in the US (Mayo Clinic)

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